Two lawyers at the helm for faster results.

Contract drafting

We help you find the ideal structure for

  • work contracts, including limited contracts and contracts outside of collective agreements,
  • service contracts for managing directors and members of executive boards,
  • works agreements and service agreements,
  • collective agreements concluded at company or industry-level,
  • flexible working hours and remuneration models,
  • company car regulations.


We always assign at least two lawyers to individual clients. Where larger projects are concerned, we put together carefully selected teams. This makes us easily reachable and better able to respond quickly and effectively during all phases of the mandate. Based on our many years of pertinent experience, we have developed advisory services tailored specifically to the needs of companies, public sector institutions and executives.

Our services cover the entire employment law spectrum, including social insurance law and tax law. We conduct legal training measures for you and your staff, draft contracts for you, advise you on all facets of employment law, and provide you with robust legal representation in and out of court.

Legal consulting services

We provide expert legal advice on the following, in particular:

  • company restructuring projects,
  • mass redundancies and dismissals,
  • severance and settlement agreements,
  • recruitments and transfers,
  • the hiring out of employees as temporary workers.


We conduct negotiations with the following parties, either on your behalf or together with you:

  • works councils,
  • unions,
  • employees,
  • employers,
  • authorities.

Seminars/training measures

We assume lectureships for a range of specialist employment law courses and further education programmes, including those offered by Euroforum, the Juristische Fachseminare organisation, the publishing company hüthig jehle rehm, Hamburg Department of Human Resources (Personalamt), Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the Bundesvereinigung öffentliches Recht (Federal Association of Public Law), and numerous other providers of legal training measures. We also offer in-house training measures specially tailored to the respective client’s needs. These can be conducted either on the client’s premises or in our seminar rooms. [+]


We assist you with the planning and implementation of the following measures:

  • personnel adjustment measures,
  • outsourcing,
  • transfers of operations,
  • changes in operations,
  • negotiations regarding reconciliation of interests and social compensation plans.

Labour law and laws concerning collective bargaining in the public sector

We advise you on special aspects of labour and collective bargaining legislation applicable to the public sector, for example on

  • laws governing staff representation,
  • laws governing pay grade classification,
  • laws governing working hours,
  • laws governing public sector collective agreements (TVöD / TV-L),
  • and on performance-based remuneration models.